Sunday, October 28, 2007

To my lovely friends Sujinah and Hidayah thanks for being there to celebrate my advanced birthday.I really had a great time with both of you around.Yesterday was awesome indeed.Its karaoke time at Cash Studio,Apollo Center!I was abit late as i was at the salon straightening my hair and it cost me $130.Took a taxi to there,rush in to find them and there i was singing and singing and singing.The room was nice and the best part is,it cost only $35 per room for 3 hours and we all thought it cost $35 for each person silly us.After singing our lungs out we went to Chinatown to get this thick stretchable pantyhose for D&D then to Clarke Quay to sit around and camwhore!Then went to Coffee Bean at Boat Quay and i received a sliced birthday cake from them.How sweet.It was soo yummy and chocolaty i like!Really had a great and silly time.Lots of silly things to laugh about.I can't believe that i wore two different earrings on that day haha!No wonder hidayah asked me whether i purposely do it,i was like purposely do what?she said that i purposely wore two different earrings haha!gosh i was soo shy at that point of time.Luckily that no one noticed it as it was black in colour.How silly i was!Not to forget the incident at the toilet when this funny smell suddenly appear and i could hear some creepy sounds i quickly asked sujinah to leave the toilet cause i definately feel something is not right.What a day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Was totally a crazy day!
Lots and lots of patients.
Leg cramp.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wee selamat hari raya,hari untuk kita bersuka ria!After one month of fasting finally its "Hari Raya".Firstly wishing all muslim Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin =))

My Niece isn't she lovely.
With my nephew,niece and little cousins
who have grown up to be a tall and handsome
boys gosh they are taller than me.
My Daddy and Mummy.
My Grandma House.
The ladies.
My family and niece.
Mummy and me.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hope that we can solve this matter before the festives season.The answer will only be given tomorrow.Pray hard that it's a positive one.Been trying to browse around the net to get some solutions but it seems that nothing helps.Oh god,please lead me the way.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Azab Bagi Wanita

Saudara dan saudari kaum muslimin dan muslimat ,renungan khususnya untuk para wanita dan diri sendiri.Sayidina Ali ra menceritakan suatu ketika melihat Rasulullah menangis manakala ia datang bersama Fatimah.Lalu keduanya bertanya mengapa Rasul menangis.Beliau menjawab,"Pada malam aku di-isra'- kan,aku melihat perempuan-perempuan yang sedang disiksa dengan berbagai siksaan. Itulah sebabnya mengapa aku menangis. Karena,menyaksikan mereka yang sangat berat dan mengerikan siksanya.Putri Rasulullah kemudian menanyakan apa yang dilihat ayahandanya."Aku lihat ada perempuan digantung rambutnya,otaknya mendidih.Aku lihat perempuan digantung lidahnya,tangannya diikat ke belakang dan timah cair dituangkan ke dalam tengkoraknya.Aku lihat perempuan tergantang kedua kakinya dengan terikat tangannya sampai ke ubun-ubunnya,diulurkan ular dan kala jengking.Dan aku lihat perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri,di bawahnya dinyalakan api neraka. Serta aku lihat perempuan yang bermuka hitam,memakan tali perutnya sendiri.Aku lihat perempuan yang telinganya pekak dan matanya buta,dimasukkan ke dalam peti yang dibuat dari api neraka,otaknya keluar dari lubang hidung,badannya berbau busuk karena penyakit sopak dan kusta.Aku lihat perempuan yang badannya seperti himar,beribu-ribukesengsaraan dihadapinya.Aku lihat perempuan yang rupanya seperti anjing, sedangkan api masuk melalui mulut dan keluar dari duburnya sementara malikat memukulnya dengan pentung dari api neraka,"kata Nabi.Fatimah Az-Zahra kemudian menanyakan mengapa mereka disiksa seperti itu?Rasulullah menjawab,"Wahai putriku, adapun mereka yang tergantung rambutnya hingga otaknya mendidih adalah wanita yang tidak menutup rambutnya sehingga terlihat oleh laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya.Perempuan yang digantung susunya adalah istri yang 'mengotori' tempat tidurnya.Perempuan yang tergantung kedua kakinya ialah perempuan yang tidak taat kepada suaminya, ia keluar rumah tanpa izin suaminya,dan perempuan yang tidak mau mandi suci dari haid dan nifas.Perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri ialah karena ia berhias untuk lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya dan suka mengumpat orang lain.Perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting api neraka kerana ia memperkenalkan dirinya kepada orang yang kepada orang lain bersolek dan berhias supaya kecantikannya dilihat laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya.Perempuan yang diikat kedua kaki dan tangannya ke atas ubun-ubunnya diulurkan ular dan kalajengking padanya karena ia bisa shalat tapi tidak mengamalkannya dan tidak mahu mandi junub.Perempuan yang kepalanya seperti babi dan badannya seperti himar ialah tukang umpat dan pendusta.Perempuan yang menyerupai anjing ialah perempuan yang suka memfitnah dan membenci suami.Mendengar itu,Sayidina Ali dan Fatimah Az-Zahra pun turut menangis.Dan inilah peringatan kepada kaum perempuan.
Everything seems to be so blunt.The food is so awful,the weather is so damn hot,so boring at home.Wondering what is she doing now.Tears roll down whenever i think of her.It seems so different."Raya" won't be great this year seriously i don't even think of celebrating it cause i can't be enjoying while she suffers.The eager of preparing for "raya" is no longer there.We have tried ways of asking people to help us but in the end they let us down.You see how bad is human?Whenever they need help we will help them but whenever we need it they will give us excuses instead.It always seems to be that way.Oh god never this things strikes us before.Maybe this is a challenge for us.Maybe there is a consequences to all this.Maybe.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Everything has its consequences.I just hope she learned her mistake.I wonder how is she doing.What will happened to her if she were to be in there.Dear god please protect her from all evil things.I really can't hold on to my tears.How i wished that this kind of things won't happened but its too late,we can't turned back time.Maybe this will make her learned her lesson.I love you no matter what.Take care always.