Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Bloggie,

Two of my colleagues told me that I've gain weight gosh that is really a bad sign!! Without even noticing i actually did.Now i have to try to control my food intake.Maybe without realizing it i ate too much or too full each time.And yeah i really have to get back to the same weight i have been before with effort and discipline of cause.

Work today was really suck.I hate cause i had to go for a very late lunch and then grab something and quickly start my afternoon clinic.I wonder where are all those who went for first lunch and suppose to take over the one who have not finish the morning clinic.I'm really pissed off just now.Whenever people request for help i will always help them but when it comes to me,i always get this kind of returned.That is how i felt and from that moment on i don't give a damn whoever needs help.They always want it right and their way and how about me?Doesn't mean I'm lenient you can step on my head!